
Gender Neutral?
By Geertje Mak Some weeks ago, there was an interesting news item on Dutch radio. A commission was installed to think about a good symbol to use for gender-neutral toilets. After some months of deliberation, their report came out. Recommendation: call it WC. This is a very good example of two things. One, it shows…
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Parenthood M/F: And Beyond?
by Marjolein van den Brink Originally published by UCERF as part of UCERF – Thoughts on Reviewing Parentage Law # … Current Dutch parentage law is – still – based on a biological principle: the legislator assumes that all children have a mother (the mater semper certa est rule determines that the woman who gave birth to the…
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What the UK Gender Fraud Cases Might Tell Us About Gender Certification
By Nina Bresser Over the last four years five trans men in the UK have been convicted of ‘gender fraud’ (respectively R v Barker [2012]; R v McNally [2013]; R v Wilson [2013]; R v Newland [2015]; R v Lee (Mason) [2015]). [1] All five individuals were charged with sexual assault by their cis heterosexual…
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